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D.C. 澳博app协会纪念开创性法官里卡多·M. Urbina)



里卡多·曼努埃尔·乌尔比纳D.C. 巴尔向前法官里卡多·曼努埃尔·乌尔比纳致敬, 作为第一位拉丁裔法官,他在法律界开辟了道路.C. 高等法院以及美国联邦法院都有类似的判决.S. 哥伦比亚特区地方法院. 乌尔比纳于今年6月因帕金森病去世,享年78岁.

Urbina) began his legal career with the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia, later going into private practice and serving as faculty at Howard University School of Law. 他被提名为D.C. 1981年由罗纳德·里根领导的最高法院,以及民主党.C. District Court by Bill Clinton in 1994, serving on that court until his retirement in 2012.

“的 高等法院 of the District of Columbia mourns the passing of Judge 里卡多·米. Urbina), 1981年至1994年间我们杰出的同事,首席法官安妮塔·乔西-赫林在一份声明中说, adding that the late judge “was a deliberate and passionate jurist” whose commitment to civil liberties “was exemplary and his humility as a civil rights icon was inspiring. 我们将怀念他作为一位领导者、一位朋友和一位敬业的导师.”

D.C. 区域法院首席法官James E. Boasberg, in a separate statement, paid tribute to Urbina) as a role model on and off the bench. “他有强烈的公平感, 他是一个敬业的, 善解人意, 创造性的法学家,Boasberg说. “在个人层面上, 整个法院都记得他的热情, 真实性, 和善良. 我们会怀念他的.”


许多澳博app受益于乌尔比纳的支持和指导,包括D.C. 高等法院副法官Kenia Seoane洛佩兹, 是乌尔比纳鼓励她从事法律职业的吗. “我(对他)说,‘我有这个奖学金,我想给你当书记员.’他说,‘绝对不行. 我会让你整个夏天都在这里订书机和复印, 我觉得你应该做得更多,’” Seoane洛佩兹 recalls Urbina) telling her when they first met in 1997 in his chambers.

因此,Seoane洛佩兹在国会和美国卫生组织工作.S. 律政司. 经过思考,Seoane洛佩兹说乌尔比纳是对的. “他非常无私,”她说. “我会给他煮咖啡,给他复印,并为此感到高兴, 但他对我有更好的期望, 我很高兴, 事后. 他是对的. 那个夏天,[书记员]对我来说不是一个很好的发展机会.”

Seoane洛佩兹, a former president of the Hispanic 酒吧 Association of the District of Columbia (HBA-DC), continued to benefit from Urbina)’s mentorship in subsequent years and observed his impact on others in the Latino legal community. “Judge Urbina) has an army of Latino lawyers in the District of Columbia who really owe everything to him,”她说。.

Urbina) took an active interest in the cultivation of generations of incoming Hispanic attorneys and judges. 香港澳博app协会区议会肯定了他的努力,并成立了香港澳博app协会. 里卡多·米. 2001年获乌尔比纳终身成就奖, presented annually to recognize outstanding contributions to the Hispanic community in the areas of equality, 公平, 以及社会公正.

美国澳博app协会-哥伦比亚特区主席保利娜·维拉说,乌尔比纳是一位“资历无可挑剔”的法学家, who worked tirelessly to ensure equal justice for those in our society most in need, 包括拉丁裔社区. His legacy will continue to inspire us to be better lawyers and better members of our community.”

苏珊桑塔纳, 1997年乌尔比纳的书记员, said the judge “was a champion in every aspect of life” — in the courtroom where he upheld the rights of those without a voice, 在他推动法律界更加多元化的过程中,对拉丁裔社区产生了影响, and in the legal community by mentoring hundreds of young lawyers and law students.

“His example of leading his life by giving to others was unmatched and he will be greatly missed,桑塔纳说. “他常说,‘笔是一把有力的剑. 用它来让世界变得更美好.他的法律意见, 他的演讲, 他的指导和建议无疑影响了D的法律职业.C. 以深刻而积极的方式.”


Many of Urbina)’s prominent cases involved issues relating to the detention of accused terrorists. In 奥马尔·v. 哈维 (2007), Urbina) issued an ex parte temporary restraining order preventing the transfer of Shawqi Ahmad Omar, 一名在伊拉克被捕并被拘留的美国公民, 从美国移交给伊拉克当局. 美国.S. 最高法院后来维持了乌尔比纳的裁决.S. 被美国军队关押在海外的公民受到人身保护法令的保护, but also found that habeas provided no relief because it does not require the United States to shelter fugitives from the criminal justice system of sovereigns with the authority to prosecute them.

Urbina) also issued rulings in several cases of foreign nationals detained at Guantanamo Bay. In 2008, 例如, 他下令释放了自2002年以来被关押的17名维吾尔人, 认为他们没有威胁到美国.S. 安全.

Urbina)’s 2009 dismissal of an indictment against five Blackwater Worldwide 安全 guards accused in the shooting deaths of 17 Iraqi civilians in Baghdad was reversed by an appeals court, as was the judge’s 2010 ruling upholding the District of Columbia’s gun regulations. 美国.S. 最高法院维持了上诉法院在后一案件中的判决.

乌尔比纳在任职30多年后辞去了法官职务. Asked about his judicial philosophy during a 2013 interview for a rule of law oral history project at Columbia University, 乌尔比纳说,法官以超然的态度处理案件是很重要的, 中立的立场.

“I do feel that a judge needs to be able to look at a matter objectively and assess it in a way that meets the mandates of the Constitution. I always feel that the litigants have a right to believe and to take advantage of the fact that the judge is going to apply the law,乌尔比纳说. “如果我决定把这件事告上法庭, 我应该觉得法官会运用法律, 不管他或她是谁, 另一方也应该有同样的感觉.”


Born to a Honduran father and a Puerto Rican mother, Urbina) grew up in New York City. 高中时的明星运动员——他拿过第一名,000-meter indoor track record — Urbina) had his choice of colleges but decided to attend Georgetown University for both his undergraduate and juris doctor degrees.

在乔治敦, 作为一名运动员,乌尔比纳继续赢得赞誉, 赢得了1966年全国大学生体育协会一级室内锦标赛的880码比赛. 的 纽约时报 称他的表现“在任何情况下都是例外”,尽管由于技术上的原因,他的成绩并没有刷新世界纪录.

在法学院的时候, 乌尔比纳被拒绝加入纽约体育俱乐部, 为寻求进入美国的大学毕业生提供培训的基地.S. 奥运代表队. 他本可以成为俱乐部的第一位黑人会员. 在乔治城学生报纸的评论中, Urbina) said that his rejection was the result of “a 100-year-old history of discrimination toward Negroes, 犹太人, 和其他少数族裔,由[纽约体育俱乐部].”

消息传开了, 促使一名黑人运动员抵制1968年的纽约田径运动会, 为墨西哥城奥运会做准备. 六个月后, 标志性的, black-gloved Olympic podium protest by Tommie Smith and John Carlos over the treatment of African Americans by runners was viewed by many as the direct result of Urbina)’s rejection. 乌尔比纳以不到一秒的差距错过了比赛资格.

而在板凳上,乌尔比纳拿起合气道和持有黑带. “这是为数不多的具有主导道德成分的武术之一. 换句话说,你被要求做某些事情. 在合气道的实施中, 第一条规则是,打架前先走开, 你造成的是痛苦而不是伤害,乌尔比纳在2013年的采访中说, 将武术描述为一种“动人的冥想”.”





D.C. 司法提名委员会正邀请法官发表意见, 酒吧, and public regarding the qualifications of nine candidates for the pending vacancy on D.C. 由退休的安妮塔·乔西·赫林法官创建的高等法院.

D.C. 高等法院



On September 6 the 高等法院 of the District of Columbia issued Administrative Order 24-12 authorizing the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) to inspect, 编译, and analyze data on criminal justice and juvenile justice systems so it can regularly publish aggregate data pursuant to DC Law 25-175.
